- We are a family owned and operated business (Somos una compañia familiar)
- Trade-Ins are welcome. (Cambios de vehiculos disponibles)
- Drive your vehicle today! (Maneje su vehiculo HOY!)
- We specialize in financing to people who are unable to get finance through a bank credit union. (Nos especializamos en financiar a clientes que no pueden ir a bancos o a entidades crediticias)
If you are in the market for a vehicle you are in the right place, contact us today at Gem Cars, Inc. We carry a wide variety of pre-owned vehicles for all your needs. We want your business and we want you to be a part of our family. We have been in business since 1983. (Si usted esta en el mercado para la compra de un vehiculo esta en el sitio correcto, queremos ser parte de su familia. Hemos estado en el negocio de compra y financiamiento de vehiculos desde 1983).
We treat all of our customers like family. When we sell you a vehicle we like to maintain a long-term relationship. We want your business and welcome referrals like your family, friends, and co-workers. Gem Cars, Inc. is the perfect place for purchasing and obtaining financing. We do in-house financing and treat you with respect. (Tratamos a todos nuestros clientes como nuestra familia. Queremos su negocio y a la vez le damos bienevenida a referencias como su familia, amigos, y compañeros de trabajo. Gem Cars, Inc es el lugar perfecto para comprar y financiar su vehiculo. Ler proveemos nuestro propio financiamiento y lo tratamos con respeto.)
Come in and let us show you what we can do for you.
Visitenos y dejenos mostrarle lo que podemos hacer por usted.
Don't see what you're looking for? We have access to all of the local auctions and can help you find exactly what you're looking for.
No encuentra lo que busca? Tenemos acceso a las mejores subastas y podemos encontrar su proximo vehiculo.
Give us a call today! Llamenos hoy!
We are the home of "Guaranteed" auto financing. We will finance your future, not your past. We are here to help you achieve your goals. Somos la casa del financiamiento asegurado. Financiamos su futuro, no su pasado. Estamos qui para ayudarle a cumplir sus metas.
We stock nice and reliable vehicles in our inventory. Cars, Trucks, Work Vans, SUVs, Sedans, Family Crossovers, we have it all! Tenemos en inventario una gran seleccion de vehiculos de alta calidad. Carros, Camionetas, Vans de Trabajo y SUVs familiares, Los tenemos todo!
We want to hear about your experience at our dealership. Let us know how we did, and what can we improve. We would love to hear from you. Queremos escuchar acerca de su experiencia con Gem Cars, Inc. Haganos saber como lo hicimos y si hay algo que podemos mejorar. Nos encantaria escuchar su opinion.
We stock a wide variety of inventory at our dealership, from used cars, trucks, work vans, SUVs, and sport vehicles. Each vehicle goes through a rigorous inspection process by trained mechanics to make sure that your vehicle is in the best condition. Disponemos de una amplia variedad de inventario en nuestro concesionario, desde automóviles, camionetas, camionetas de trabajo, SUV y vehículos deportivos usados. Cada vehículo pasa por un riguroso proceso de inspección por parte de mecánicos capacitados para asegurarse de que su vehículo esté en las mejores condiciones.
Customer satisfaction is what we do best. All of our sales associates are not on commission at our dealership, to ensure that you have an honest sales experience with us. Come in today and see for yourself why so many people choose us! La satisfaccion de nuestros clientes es nuestra maxima prioridad. Todos nuestros vendedores no se basan en comision para asegurarnos que su experiencia sea lo mas honesta posible. Visitenos hoy y compruebe porque tantas personas nos escogen como su compañia predilecta de financiamiento de vehiculos!
We have a full staff available to find any vehicle of your interest!!! From Pick up Trucks to Work Vans, from Sport Vehicles to SUVS and from Sedans to Mini Vans. Come to Gem Cars, Inc and we will find your favorite color, cloth or leather, and engine size of your choice. Mantenemos expertos en nuesto dealer para conseguirle el vehiculo que necesita!!! Desde Camionetas a Vans de Trabajo, Carros Deportivos a SUVs y Carros Familiares a Mini Vans. Ven y visitanos a Gem Cars, Inc y encontraremos el vehiculo de su color favorito, de Tela o Cuero, y el Tamaño de Motor de su preferencia.
Mon: | 9:30am - 6:30pm |
Tue: | 9:30am - 6:30pm |
Wed: | 9:30am - 6:30pm |
Thu: | 9:30am - 6:30pm |
Fri: | 9:30am - 6:30pm |
Sat: | 9:00am - 5:00pm |
Sun: | Closed |
Disclaimer: We do In-House financing here at Gem Cars, Inc. Customers are required to meet minimum standards of income, down payment and stability for approval. Approval can depend on many factors including the price of the vehicle that you are wanting to purchase, job time, residence time, amount of down payment and amount of payments you are looking for. We are here to try and finance customers that have credit issues and will do our best to make sure that the terms are good for you as the customer and still make sense to Gem Cars, Inc as your lender. Thank You for visiting Gem Cars, Inc.
Gem Cars, Inc provee a los cientes con financiamiento propio. Los clientes necesitan cumplir con estandares minimos de ingresos, enganche y estabilidad laborar para su aprobacion. Esta aprobacion depende de muchos factores incluyendo el precio del vehiculo que desea comprar, tiempo laboral, tiempo en su residencia actual, y cantidad de enganche y pago que esta buscando. Estamos aqui para tratar de proveer financiamiento a clientes que tienen problemas crediticios y haremos lo posible para que los terminos sean los mejores y tengan sentido para Gem Cars, Inc como su entidad financiera. Gracias por visitarnos.
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